We -- Ahmet İçduygu, Jan Rath, Deniz Sert, and Ayşen Üstübici -- are delighted and honoured to take on the role as editors of International Migration in its fifty-ninth year. As new stewards of the journal, we aim to support meticulous scholarship in the field, while also promoting new and understudied lines of inquiry that might reconfigure and expand our understanding of international migration. With these aspirations in mind, we thank the journal’s outgoing editor, Howard Duncan, for helping to ensure a successful editorial transition and for his dedication to the Journal during the last years. We are also grateful to the International Organization for Migration and Wiley for giving us this opportunity to contribute to the field through such a well-established journal.
Given the growth, relevance and obligation of migration studies, we think that a journal like International Migration should take a broad and comprehensive approach which aims to create a wider platform of knowledge production, knowledge circulation and knowledge utilization for a diverse audience. This is a multi-faceted task.
First, International Migration will continue to aim at being an attractive outlet for academics by promoting high-quality scholarly knowledge production that realizes high impact. Second, while maintaining academic standards, we will encourage the dialogue between scholarly and policy-relevant cutting-edge research as such a dialogue and cross-fertilization appear to be extremely relevant to create productive exchanges between the Global North and Global South, the global and the local, and the academia and policymakers. Third, the Journal will continue to emphasize multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to migration studies, as well as the methodological diversities.
The new editorial understanding and structure intend to encourage the thematic and methodological exploration of important questions in the study of migration; hence, to regularly invite special issues addressing to theoretical, analytical and empirical gaps in the literature. For this reason, the editors will be active, not only in inviting well-known and established scholars to contribute to the Journal, but also approaching mid-career and younger scholars who are ambitiously and vividly committed to the field. In addition to these special issues, the editors plan to launch a new section to the Journal for critical ‘Commentaries’ and ‘Book Reviews’. The commentaries aim to address the gap between the rapid changes of the policy field and relatively measured reflectiveness of academic production, by providing a lively forum for discussion on ongoing and urgent policy relevant matters. We believe that the section will provide for an ongoing conversation between research and policy sides of international migration.
Go to the journal's website for further details.
Check here for our editorial statement (International Migration, 58 (1): 3-4).